Thursday, November 1, 2012

Puerto Rico: Halloween Part 1

Today's Topic of Puerto Rico's Blog is going to be about all the leyends that may or may not be related to Puerto Rico or even Halloween.
This is a link of "La Llorona" Leyend, that I am not really sure where dis this leyend of "La Llorona", and here is the link from Wikipedia

 This is a link of a movie apparently about "La Llorona"
Here is another one

Here is another link with the story of "La Llorona".
In Puerto Rico, we have a lot of stories, urban leyends, and all that scary stuff that is Halloween. Halloween it is really well celebrated in Puerto Rico, we have that tradition of going out at night too to collect candy from strangers, and we also sing a Halloween song like before going to a house and ask for candy, and the song or lyrics goes like this: "Halloween trick or treat, dame chavo y no maní, no te escondas que te ví en la casa de Pepín.", the lyrics changes a lot it depends where are you in the area of Puerto Rico. 

In Puerto Rico we have the leyend of "El Chupacabras" 
Here is a link to the story of "El Chupacabras"

1 comment:

  1. This stuff looks incredibly scary!!! I think I would have nightmares if I looked at any of these. This would be great for a person who enjoys scary stories!!
