Saturday, September 22, 2012

Puerto Rico's Patrionage Festivals.

Here is the link to all the dates, and places where you can go and have fun during the patronage festivals.
Here is the picture of one of the most traditionally frying food that we eat in Puerto Rico, it is called "Alcapurria", and this is the link fot the recipe

This are our very famous "Vegigantes", people wearing this traditional masks. I put this link so you can click in it and learn a little bit more of the history of Las Máscaras de Vejigantes".

This image looks more Puerto Rican. 

This is one very original and beautiful "Máscara de Vejigante". People can make their own masks. It is very easy to make! When I was like in the 3rd grade, I believe that I try to make one for my Spanish class or History/Social Studies class. 


  1. I had the opportunity to visit Puerto Rico over 20+ years ago. I stayed in Dorado Beach. I loved it. I regret that I did not visit the rainforest. We also got to stroll through Old San Juan. I am sure things have changed some. I would like to visit again.


  2. I visited Puerto Rico 5 years ago. I love the place and the food is delicious. Your blog is very interesting.
